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Mental health

Mental health or" mental state" it is the way like one knows, in general terms, the balancing state between a person and their socio-cultural environment what guarantees their labor participation, intellectual and of relationships to reach a well-being and quality of life. It is said" mental health" as analogy of what is known as" health or physical state", but regarding the mental health undoubtedly exist more complex dimensions that the individual's organic and physical operation.


The project THE TUNNEL gives beginning in the year of 1995 in the basements of the Career 8va with Clle 13, old University theater Distrital in the City of Bogotá, Colombia.

Been founded by Alexander González Leyva, egresado of the Institute Potosino of Fine arts of San Luís Potosí in Mexico, it is conformed initially by students of Theater of different institutions of the City. He/she carries out projects and presentations in some scenarios From Bogotá as the theater Luís Enrique Osorio, He Circulates Colombian of Artists, the Theater the Local, schools like the Industrial one Steer Fátima, in the Good Shepherd's Jail and the Foundation Gilberto Runs off with Avendaño. Television channels like TV. ANDEAN, SIGN COLOMBIA.

Outside of Bogotá, in cities like Tunja, Sogamoso, Duitama and Neiva in the Department of the Huila.

In Costa Rica it has been presented with different scenic projects in theaters like the MELIC SALAZAR, it SALTS GARB, THEATER EUGENE O´NEILL, THEATER San José's CORNER.

In some festivals like that of PLASTIC ART, FESTIVAL OF THEATER, FESTIVAL BREAKING BARRIERS, FESTIVAL AMUBIS in different cities of Costa Rica, Center america.

In their concern to form their actors has developed shops in different areas of the dramatic art, like they are the MACTH OF IMPROVISATION, SHOPS DE NEURO PERFORMANCE, among others.

Workshop of Improvisation

This activity goes directed to university students of all the professional areas it will facilitate them its capacity of Inter-relacionarse with the other ones, he/she will learn how to manage conflict situations and its resolution. The working system is centralized internally in practical exercises of mutual knowledge and externally, exercises of unified creation and of the points of the members' of the match encounter.

Axes of the Improvisation

  1. listens to it total and the outlying vision.
  2. The adaptation.
  3. The creation of characters.
  4. The creation of the history and/or dramaturgia. (Improvised).
  5. The setting in scene. (Improvised).

Duration: 48 Hours per month.

Teacher: Alexander González Leyva.

Workshop of NeuroActuacion

This managed one to students of in interested general in exploring their capacities actorales during. It will be good him to create empathy with their environment through their visual, auditory and corporal abilities in general, in particular with their language that involves the shade, volume and density of the voice.

Objective Puts

The programming Neuro-linguistics this focused and based in the individual's behavioral proposals. Through this system the human being can overcome complex, phobias, fears and other behaviors that don't allow him to be developed in the social and labor environment.

General objectives

  1. Identification of dramatic situations.
  2. Improvisations on the simple bases of dramatic situations.
  3. To create and to develop simple dramatic studies.

Specific objectives

  1. To work in scene in a relaxed and controlled way.
  2. To work in scene maintaining their attention in the scenic game.
  3. Identification of the action like essence of the theatrical activity.
  4. Identification and concretion of simple objectives.
  5. Identification of the representation systems.
  6. Identification of the molecules sinesteticas.
  7. To work of the system of Optic integration Neuronal.
  8. Identification of the hints of Sensorial abscesses.

Duration: 36 Hours per month.

Teacher: Alexander González Leyva.

Seminar Workshop of Scripts for Television and Cinema

The shop this focused to the fact I practice of construction of an artistic script to be made in Television and/or the cinema. The form in that was carried out the activity, is through the proposals and ideas of each one of the participants.


The assistant will be able to when concluding the workshop, to give a script elaborated to be taken to Television or the Cinema.


  • Construction of situations ELIPSOIDALES in the script.
  • Resolution of the: LIKE-THAT-ATTENTION-CONFLICT.
  • Conflict types.
  • Effect blow.
  • The subjective experience of the libretto.
  • Ocular abscess hints in television.
  • Representation Systems in the televiewer. (Visual-acoustic-Kinesthetic)
  • The paradigmatic thing and sintagmático in the libretto.
  • Hints of integral abscesses.
  • Visual exercises that the librettist should know.
  • Anchorages of the libretto and moving memory of the televiewer.
  • Verbal abscess hints.
  • Molecules Sinestesiscas and their relationship with the sintagma and the paradigm.


  • $18.000.00 (ten and eight thousand pesos) for the hour.
  • $640.000.00 (six hundred forty thousand pesos) global Cost of the workshop.

It doesn't include feeding costs, transport o/y feeding stops outside of the city.


  • Jean Gournett. Manual de guiones. Memorias del taller SERIES DE TELEVISION.
      Centro Cultural de España. Costa Rica. 2003.
  • Sausurre, Ferninand. Semiología y lingüística. Editorial Diana. México.
      Edi. 1993.
  • Álvarez, Alejandro. Manual de neuro-lingüística. Memorias del taller
  • Eco, Humberto. Semiótica. Editorial Diana. México. 1990.

Duration: 36 Hours per month.

Managed to: Students cinema Production and television.

Elaborated by: Alexander González Leyva


Seminar Shop of Theatrical Improvisation

This activity goes directed to university students of all the professional areas with a duration of 48 hours like complementation of the course-shop of Neuro-performance and it will facilitate them its capacity of Inter-relacionarse with the other ones, he/she will learn how to manage conflict situations and its resolution. The working system is centralized internally in practical exercises of mutual knowledge and externally, exercises of unified creation and of the points of the members' of the improvisation match encounter.

It points out

The theatrical improvisation goes back at the times of the comedy of the art, then it disappears in a fight against the theater guionado and it reappears with Viola Spolin, then Keith Johnstone and but it advances theater sport and sport of the improvisation. At the moment we understand for improvisation the art of counting a history applying the theatrical technique. The one improvised writes, it acts, it directs and it mounts simultaneously in scene, alone or with other improvisators. To improvise is to play with rules, to play with other, to play with objects, to play with lists.

The technical base of the improvisation is sustained in the following axes:

  1. Listens to it total and the outlying vision.
  2. The adaptation.
  3. The creation of characters.
  4. The creation of the history and/or dramaturgia. (Improvised).
  5. The setting in scene. (Improvised).

Cost: $100.000.00 (A hundred thousand pesos hourly every month).

Duration of the workshop: 2 months.

Schedule: 6 weekly hours.

Elaborated by: Alexander González Leyva.


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